LUFOINPublished by The Leicestershire UFO Research Society (Est. 1971)
Edited by Graham Hall & Jeff Lord
A Very Brief Overview of the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Sighting Data
By Jeff Lord, Chairman of the Leicestershire UFO Research Society
studying the collective LUFOIN reports in depth, local researchers found that sighting information contained in both the Leicestershire and Warwickshire files, matches similar sighting data from the various other regions of the United Kingdom, also, the rest of the Globe and, as such, in line with these findings, an estimated 45% of all reports on file within the LUFOIN Register do not appear to be describing genuine ‘UFOs’ at all. Instead, they appear to simply represent sightings of everyday natural, atmospheric or man-made phenomena - momentary instances involving the viewing of both moving and/or static aerial phenomena whose flight and behavioural characteristics were totally unrecognised at the time of the sighting by the witness or witnesses due to an (understandable) lack of prior knowledge regarding the actual ‘object’ seen. That being the case, it was found that the aforementioned reported characteristics could usually be recognised quite easily at a later point in time by trained UFO investigators.Further 50%
After further examination, it was also found that a further 50% of the remaining reports were so vague and lacking in detail, that no positive evaluation was made possible. These factors and percentages apparently also agree with similar data collected from outside our own study areas.
Even so, also agreeing with findings concerning collected outside data, an approximate 5% residue of unsolved cases remain, involving phenomena unrecognised not only by the witness or witnesses, but also, by the investigators involved in the particular case study.
Accordingly, within that 5%, when further particular studies are undertaken of sighting information provided by others, immediately revealed are the same unusual aerial phenomena, and almost the same identical behavioural patterns, as those described within the Leicestershire data.
Within this remaining 5% residue however, we also have to consider of course, that a small percentage of these ‘unknowns’, could quite conceivably, in the last 30-35 years or so at least, be probable sightings of ’aircraft’, that are not necessarily totally unknown to certain sectors of mankind, I.e. Military or Governmental
test aircraft etc., and as such, are or were, classified as ‘Top Secret’ or higher, and as such, would not be immediately identifiable to members of the public anyway, (including UFO researchers of course).It is usually a very long time after such advanced aircraft are tested, that their very existence is later revealed to the World. Even then, there still remains an element of necessary secrecy surrounding advanced aircraft, and exactly when and where they were first being flown.
It is at this point that the waters become slightly muddy so to speak, and many debates begin to take place regarding recognition of ‘Black project craft’, and the recognisable differential between these and craft belonging to a quite separate ’UFO phenomenon’.
In the final analysis however, the true UFO phenomenon is usually recognisable within the collected data in several distinctive ways, such as, for example, its extremely unusual appearance, which includes manifesting in ‘waves’ or ‘bursts’ of activity, whilst another is its various extraordinary activities on a Global scale, including landings, occasionally with attendant, and mostly
humanoid occupants.The UFOs involved in the Leicestershire data, after comprehensive checks, could not be identified at any point by any known means, and they behaved very strangely on each occasion, and displayed characteristics that were totally different to normal aircraft and other known aerial phenomena, showing definite signs of purpose, and on occasions involving extremely low- level phenomena, sometimes interacting with, and frightening quite badly the witnesses involved. (See:
Full LUFOIN List of Unknowns).Flight characteristics
Interestingly also, it was discovered that many of the sighted unknown objects over Leicestershire were very rarely viewed as continuously flying phenomena. Instead, they were seen to perform some sort of discontinued flight manoeuvre whilst in view, which could be either circling, hovering, changing direction via a sudden 90 degree turn, falling like a leaf etc. and all within a relatively small area of the sky, and at virtually the same point at each individual manifestation, and then moving to another previously noted geographical point, where they repeat the same type of behaviour, before finally disappearing, usually suddenly, and extremely fast. Occasionally, the disappearance is described as so sudden, it was ’like a light being switched off’.
Unknown element/s
According to the sighting evidence therefore, it is apparent that an unrecognised element, or elements is/are at work, which is/are found to be apparently obeying identical, comprehensive and unique laws as regards its/their behavioural activities, in virtually
every country that it/they has/have been recorded.‘
Window areas’One of the main discovered UFO sighting‘ hotspots’, or ‘window areas’ in the county of Leicestershire, was found to be on the north-eastern edge of Hinckley, and is the area known as
Burbage Common and Woods, with another being, strangely enough, the Sketchley Hill area of Burbage, together with smaller regions in the area, such as a relatively small section of the Old Fosse and the outskirts of Wykin village, near Hinckley.Just why these particular areas are mentioned so many times in the reports has remained a mystery, but evidence was discovered that the Sketchley Hill region of Burbage in particular is mentioned, from as early as 1967, over and over again in the reported data, and especially, for some reason, the road in the general Sketchley area called Brookside.
Croft Hill
After examination of all of the unexplained cases, and it appears that another local ‘hotspot’ is the
Croft Hill region, which is also equally noted as ‘UFO busy’ by Leicestershire researcher Paul Devereux, according to his 1982 book which he called ‘EarthLights’. Nearby villages of Huncote, and Stoney Stanton are also mentioned several times in the data. (Early Research See: Fortean Times Issue 11. Later Research See: UFOs as Earth Phenomena Reviews).Multi-witness cases
The various multi-witness cases, like some of those featured within this register, in particular those that occurred during the global wave year of 1978,
(1) are extremely difficult to explain away simply, especially if the dozens of sighting report statements are backed up with reliable photographic or filmed evidence, as is the case for the mass sightings for example, that occurred over Leicestershire on October 23rd., with the object involved subsequently being seen and filmed hovering directly above and within the Sketchley Hill window.
(ELR = Expanded Log Report)
51/67/03. 2 August 1967 - 12:20
ELR.51/70/01. January (First week) (4?) - 20:45
ELR.51/70/07.19 August 1970 - 15:15
ELR.51/70/08. 28 August 1970 - 16:15
ELR.51/76/03. June? (Summer) 1976 - 00:05
51/77/06. 19 May 1977 - 22:35
51/77/10. 21 June 1977 - 22:18
51/77/15. 5 July 1977 - 22:30
51/77/20. 2 August 1977 - 00:30
51/77/26. 25 August 1977 - 22:15
51/78/09-30. 24 January 1978 - 18:35
ELR51/78/09-30. 24 January 1978 - 19:55
ELR51/78/52. 17 April 1978 - 20:45
51/78/54. 23 April 1978 - 21:30
51/78/81. 17 August 1978 - 22:15
51/78/104. 23 September 1978 - 21:20
51/78/115.1 October 1978 - 22:15
ELR51/77/78/126-193. 23 October 1978 - 18:45
ELR51/78/201. 2 November 1978 - 17:35
51/78/203. 2 November 1978 - 17:45
51/78/207. 8 November 1978 - 17:55
51/80/13. 5 May 1980 - 23:50
51/81/10. 16 August 1981 - 21:35
51/94/08. 5 April 1994 - 21:30
51/94/09. 10 April 1994 - 21:00
51/94/14. 28 October 1994 - 13:15
ELR51/95/01. January 1995 - 19:30
51/95/02. 26 January 1995 - 18-35
ELR51/96/01. Mid-June 1996 - 23:30
51/96/02. 17 June 1996 - 23:30
51/96/05. 2 July 1996 - 23:00
ELR51/96/08. 30 July 1996 - 21:45
51/96/10. 28 August 1996 - 11:13
ELR51/08/08. July 2008 - Afternoon
51/08/09. 13 July 2008 - Time un-noted, but daylight
ABOVE: Satellite photograph of the noted
‘Sketchley Hill Window’, Burbage. Balloon ‘A’ indicates Brookside.(Courtesy of Google Maps).
(ELR = Expanded Log Report)
51/63/02. 28 January 1963 - 17:20
51/77/56. 4 November 1977 - 17:00
51/78/53. 22 April 1978 (creature sighting).
51/78/09-30. 24 January 1978 - 19:30 - 20:15
ELR51/78/90. 26 August 1978 - 16:45
ELR51/78/91. 26 August 1978 - 17:00
ELR51/78/92. 26 August 1978 - 18:00
ELR51/78/93. 30 August 1978 - 07:45
51/78/101.12 September 1978 - Evening
ELR51/78/200. 28 October 1978
51/78/205. 4 November 1978 - 18:15
51/79/33. 12 August 1979 - 22:00
51/80/39. 26 November 1980 - 19:30
ELR51/80/42. 26 November 1980 - 20:45
ELR51/80/43. 26 November 1980 - 20:50
ELR51/80/44. 27 November 1980 - 16:35
ELR51/81/11. 17 August 1981 - Dusk
51/82/04. 21 February 1982 - 05:30
51/82/05. 28 February 1982 - 02:00
51/83/02. 5 September 1983 - 02:00
51/91/02. Late July 1991 - 15:15
51/93/04. 3 December 1993 - 13:10
51/94/05. 3
April 1994 - 19:0051/95/08. 27 September 1995 - Evening
51/95/09. 29 October 1995 - 00:15
51/96/03. 23 June 1996 - 12:20
51/96/04. 2 July 1996 - 22:00
ELR51/97/01. 6 July 1997 - 21:20
51/09/24. 1 June 2009 - 15:15
ABOVE: Burbage Common, as viewed from Shilton Road, Barwell, Leicestershire - scene of several UFO sightings (both at night and in daylight).
(Photograph Courtesy of David G. Hall, LUFORS).
Hinckley/Burbage/South-west Leicestershire. (Lines A1 & B1)(Occurring quite often within already noted window areas, and suggesting that a connection possibly exists between these particular noted aspects of localised behaviour)
(ELR = Expanded Log Report)
51/70/07.19 August 1970 - 15:15 (B1).
ELR.51/70/08. 28 August 1970 - 16:15 (A1) + (B1).
ELR.51/71/28. 17 August 1971 - 20:00 (A1).
51/77/03. 11 May 1977 - 21:45
(B1). ELR51/78/09-30. 24 January 1978 - 19:30 - 20:15 (B1).
ELR51/78/43. 12 March 1978 - 21:45 (B1).
51/78/47. 27 March 1978 - 21:00 (B1).
ELR51/78/100. 10 September 1978 - 18:45 (B1).
51/78/115.1 October 1978 - 22:15 (B1).
ELR51/78/212. 9 December 1978 - 16:50 (A1).
51/79/31. 29 July 1979 - 16-15 (A1).
ELR51/79/51. 2 November 1979 - 17:15 (A1).
ELR51/80/26. 28 July 1980 - 14:30 (B1).
ELR51/80/27. 28 July 1980 - 18:06 (B1).
ELR51/91/02. Late July 1991 - 15:15 (B1).
51/94/13. 24 October 1994 - 21:00 (B1).
ELR51/94/14. 28 October 1994 - 13:15 (A1).
ELR51/95/02. 26 January 1995 - 18-35 (B1).
ELRABOVE : Rudimentary map showing Hinckley, Burbage Common etc. in South-West Leicestershire, showing plotted lines ‘A1’ and ‘B1’ along which ‘true’ UFOs have been repeatedly witnessed.
In summary
If other factors are also taken into consideration, such as the information provided via the Global data, for example, it reveals the same strange behavioural patterns, and various types of curious aerial phenomena, including apparently structured metallic-looking craft seen at close range, occasionally even on the ground, that have been described by witnesses elsewhere around the World for many years, and that appear almost identical in some cases, to those described at a more local level. Indeed, in certain cases, these virtually identical aerial phenomena are not only being witnessed on a World-wide scale, they apparently do so to the point where certain Leicestershire data can, and occasionally does, as the catalogued data appears to indicate, correspond in time with certain cases occurring hundreds, or even thousands of miles away.
Due to all of these factors, Leicestershire researchers, like many others around the World, have eventually been forced to the conclusion, that if taken as a whole, the evidence does seem to indicate that, alongside the rest of the U.K., there is certainly something very unusual indeed going on in the skies above both Leicestershire and Warwickshire, something, as can be seen via the LUFOIN Register, that certainly warrants the efforts made those who take an interest in it.
Findings - End.
1) For Reference See: Global Reports in 1978, UFODNA Data._____________________________________________________________________________
Originally established in 1971, the Leicestershire Unidentified Flying Object Research Society, is a non-profit making organisation run by volunteers and is funded totally by donation. All monies received are directly used towards private UFO investigation and research work conducted within the U.K. regional counties of Leicestershire and Warwickshire.
*The LUFOIN Register Supersedes Original Reduced Format CD-ROM Version Internally Published In Spring, 2011, as Volume One of The LUFORS Digital Database.
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