Leicestershire UFO Investigation Network
Geographic Review - All Reports 1967 Onwards
Nuneaton and suburbsLast modification: January 2nd., 2016.
LUFOIN Codes_____________________________________________________________________________________
. 14 May 1967 10:30 - Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK - A light in the sky was observed by two witnesses. (IN-NL).(ufodna).-1969 -
. 29 June 1969 - 22:47 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An object was observed in the sky by five witnesses. (IN-Med). (lufoin).-1970 -
. 28 August 1970 - 16:30 - Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A dark aerial silent object was observed by a lone female witness. (IN-Med). (ufodna).77/70/10
. September 1970 - 16:30 - Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - One object, about 20 feet across, was observed by one female 65-year-old witness in a wood for a few minutes. (Mason). (IN-Med). (ufodna).-1971 -
. 18 February 1971 - 19:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A fluorescent white ball of light with a tail was observed to cross the sky on a straight course from north- east to south west - object moved away and then ‘dropped’ towards the ground in the direction of Ansley. (DE-7B). (Squires). (lufoin).77/71/09.
18 February 1971 - 19:20 - Arley, Warwickshire, UK - 2 witnesses driving along station Road, Arley, observed a round object falling from the sky towards the south-west. It was ‘perfectly round’, and “fluorescent blue“, and when just above the tree-tops, it “disintegrated” in a shower of sparks that fell towards the Earth. (DE-7B). (lufoin).77/71/10.
18 February 1971 - 19:20 - Arley, Warwickshire, UK - A male witness driving a security vehicle observed an aerial object which he described as a “vivid blue ball the size of a dinner plate.” The object was falling from the sky, and on reaching a point just above the tree-tops, it “went out“, leaving just a puff of smoke in the sky where the object had been. (DE-7B). (lufoin).77/71/14
. 24 February 1971 - 06:15 - Lythalls Lane, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Three aerial objects were observed by more than three male experienced witnesses, (UN-NL). (Hewitt). (lufoin).77/71/15
. 24 February 1971 - 06:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Unidentified objects were sighted, that had an unusual appearance or performance. Three objects were observed by one experienced male witness. Witness stated: “I have been interested in astronomy since 1944 and have been ‘sky watching‘ since then but I have never seen anything like these objects - they made no noise and I can confirm that they were flying at about 30 degrees in a north-westerly direction.” (UN-NL). (Melvin, S). (lufoin).77/71/16
. 24 February 1971 - 06:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Four police officers saw UFO in sky, had three white lights travelling in formation, moved at high speed rapidly to the west. No info from ATC at Birmingham airport. Witness (A) Stated: (1978 statement) “I was serving in the Police uniform department, and was attending some industrial premises, after the alarm system had been activated. There were about seven Police constables apart from myself, surrounding the premises, and, after about five minutes, we satisfied ourselves that there were no intruders present, and three officers along with myself were standing at the front entrance in a dark jetty, waiting for the key holder. It was dark at the time, and a fairly clear starry sky was visible. One of the officers was looking up into the sky, and suddenly remarked ‘That’s strange, look at those three stars, they appear to be moving’ - we all looked up and saw three lights, about as bright as a star, travelling in a triangular formation, at quite a fast speed. These were situated in a N.N.E. direction. We watched these lights for about 30 seconds, then they quickly changed direction to about 90 degrees to what they had been travelling, but keeping the same formation. After a few more seconds, the lights just disappeared from view. One of my colleagues then radioed through to control, by means of his personal radio, to contact air traffic control at Birmingham airport, to inquire whether or not there were supposed to be aircraft in the area - the reply was ‘No‘, there should have been no aircraft in the area.” (UN-NL). (Crutchlow). (Edwards). (Wilson). (lufoin).- 1978 -
. 29 March 1978 - 21:55 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A female student, together with her boyfriend, observed a bright stationary star-like light in the sky - stayed in same place for over 1 hour - disappeared. Witness (A) stated: “My boyfriend and I saw what we thought was a plane. My boyfriend said that it wasn’t a plane because it held it‘s position for too long. My boyfriend left at 10:45 p.m., and I saw the object again in the same position. I continued watching it until 11.45 p.m., and then it disappeared.” (PE-3B). (Originally reported to local media). Explanation: probable star or planet. (Ashby).77/78/57. 29 May 1978 - 02:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A 19 year-old female witness observed a golden ball of light falling slowly through the sky which met up with a bright white light that
‘exploded’ which then turned into a rotating domed disc. Witness stated: “I was walking down my road to my house when I noticed a gold flare falling through the sky - this caught my attention. Immediately after this, a small circular object collided with this flare causing it to explode. A large grey cloud of smoke appeared after the flare dissolved. As the grey cloud moved off, I noticed an object which I would say represented a spacecraft. This object was very clear and was circular in shape with an oval top. The base was surrounded by a blue ray. The object revolved, during which time it appeared to be observing the grey cloud. It/they moved off and disappeared from sight.” (PE-8E). (Morris).77/78/58. June 1978 - 21:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A white light in the sky was reported. Witness stated:
“I was observing an approaching aircraft through binoculars (16x50 power). As the aircraft came to an overhead position, I noticed what appeared to be a light away to one side. I passed the binoculars to another person who was present, but they could not find the object. As I watched again the object moved off a short distance at high speed and with instant acceleration. I passed the binoculars over again, but after this time, no further trace of the object could be found. (PE-8J). (Daft).77/78/59. 8 June 1978 - 23:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A Local family observed a stationary white globular nocturnal light in the sky for 30 minutes before it suddenly vanished. Witness (A) stated:
“My husband called me outside to see this object in the sky. My children also came out with me, and I also fetched my three neighbours to also watch. It was a ball of light in the sky, smaller than a full Moon, but bigger than a star. It was pulsating slightly and was stationary. After 30 minutes, it moved away at a fairly rapid speed until it disappeared.” (Rossi). (Evaluation Code PE-3A).*See also local press reports.77/78/60
. 9 June 1978 - 22:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A nocturnal stationary object resembling a large star, was observed by a 10 year-old boy - Object was stationary in the NW for 5 minutes before it vanished. - (PE-3B). Possible astronomical explanation.77/78/61. 9 June 1978 - 22:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A nocturnal stationary white ball in the sky was observed by whole family and three other witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “My Husband fetched me outside to see this object in the sky. My children came out with me, and three neighbours, to see this object. It was a ball of light in the sky - smaller than the full moon, but bigger than a star. It was stationary, and pulsating slightly. After about half an hour, it moved away at a fairly rapid speed until it disappeared.”
Witness (B) stated: “I was taking the dog up the garden, and while I was waiting for him, I glanced up and noticed a silver ball going fast across the sky. I watched it for about 30 seconds until it disappeared out of sight.” (IN-NL). (Starkey).
77/78/73. 26 July 1978 - 00:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A Bright yellow ball in sky was reported. (IN-NL).
77/78/79. 14 August 1978 - 22:10 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A 15 year-old girl was standing outside her house with her friend, when she spotted an extremely bright, white light approaching from the south-west. The light came closer and a saucer-shaped object came into view. This was illuminated by the attached light which remained constant in brightness throughout the sighting. Object vanished into distance. (IN-Med).
77/78/99. 7 September 1978 - 20:30 - Ansley, Warwickshire, UK - 8 stationary white lights were observed in the sky for 30 seconds by two 13 year-old boys. Witness (A) stated: “We saw about eight bright, white lights hovering in the sky. I thought it could probably be an aeroplane but as it was hovering, I knew that it was not. The lights suddenly shot off to the left and went out.” (IN-NL). (Green).
77/78/103.16 September 1978 - 22:10 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An oval-shaped illuminated object was observed crossing the sky. (IN-Med).
77/78/219. 19 September 1978 - 21:20 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An Unidentified Flying Object, orange coloured and shaped like the bottom of a teacup, was seen. Witness stated: “It was very big, and seemed to be over the Abbey Green side of town. It was round at the bottom, flat on top, and was a pinky-orange colour.” (IN-Med). (Taylor).
77/78/112. October 1978 - 19:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A nocturnal white globular light in the sky was observed by family. Witness (A) stated: “My Son called us outside, we saw a light above adjacent properties but there was no sound - when it was directly opposite the rear of the house it stopped, still no sound and we were able to observe it for some time. It then moved away at a constant speed and not giving an impression that it was moving very fast until it reached the skyline in about 15 seconds - it was then that I realised the fantastic speed compared with aircraft travelling the same way fairly regularly, when it is possible to observe these for up to five minutes.” (IN-NL). (Place).
77/78/113. 1 October 1978 - 20:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A nocturnal yellow globular light. (IN-NL). (Harrison).
77/78/116. 2 October 1978 - 05:30 Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A revolving aerial yellow crescent-shaped object was observed - changed colour to green, then to orange before moving off. (IN-Med). (Marston).
77/78/117. 4 October 1978 - 18:05 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A dome-shaped shining aerial object with a haze around it was observed - visible for 1 minute. Witness stated: “My Wife and I observed a shining silver object in front of a cloud layer. The object resembled a dome with a halo around the outside. It was clearly visible for about one minute.” (IN-Med).(Davies).
77/78/120. 10 October 1978 - 02:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Witness noticed an object in the sky with 2 bright lights and a ‘hump’ in the middle. (IN-NL). (Whitehouse).
51/77/78/126-193. 23 October 1978.- 18:00 onwards - Many areas in Leicestershire and Warwickshire, UK - A silent, large triangular object was observed over the region by over 200 known witnesses - 62 left statements movie film obtained by Burbage witness. (Also Expanded - See 'The Case Of The Silent Vulcan'). *Additionally, see Items 19 to 22: Press Report Log 1978. (Evaluation Code (UN): -Med).
51/77/78/130. 23 October 1978 - 18:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A large light in the sky was observed. Witness stated: “I was sitting at home watching T.V. In my top window I saw a large light that was going on and off. I fetched my two children who were scared. The object seem to be moving, it was very large. I went outside and didn’t hear any engine noise. I watched for a few minutes and then the lights seemed to go off and the object disappeared.” (UN-Med).
. 23 October 1978 - 18:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A number of bright lights in the sky were observed by a male witness. Witness stated: “On 23rd., October 1978, prior to putting my car in the garage, I was talking to a neighbour and we both saw an object in the sky. It had a number of bright lights which dimmed, then became brighter. The object was moving slow and seemed lower than an aircraft.” (UN-Med).51/77/78/138
. 23 October 1978 - 18:40 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Three bright lights in a line were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I saw three bright lights in a line. It came down Whitestone Way and went towards Atherstone. About 10 minutes later a plane passed over.” (UN-Med).
. 23 October 1978 - 18:40 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Three lights in a saucer shape were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I saw three lights in the shape of a saucer. It hovered then began to move, not very fast but you could follow it. As it faded the light on top seemed to be underneath it.” (UN-Med).51/77/78/156
. 23 October 1978 - 18:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A silent, large triangular object was observed. Witness stated: “I saw an object which I first thought was a large aircraft, because it had three lights on and my first thought was that it had landing lights on, then I realised that the centre light would cover the whole of the cockpit. The other two lights were set back, and at this point I had stopped my car and got out. I realised that the object was stationary, so I stood and watched. There was no sound. Suddenly, it started to move in my direction very slowly, and I stood and waited until it was above me and I felt that there were windows of some sort around it. At this point I felt afraid, so I got back into my car and drove away.” (UN-Med).77/78/211
. 28 November 1978 - 03:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An object in the sky was observed - described as an illuminated cigar-shaped object with blue tinge. (IN-Med). *See Item 24: Press Report Log 1978.- 1979 -
. 2 January 1979 - 20:32 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A red triangular object with green lights was reported. Witness stated: “I first observed the object at 8.30 and continually observed and tracked it for over 2 hours. Angular height bearings taken plus initial direction and final direction of observation. Initially very bright approximate to level of a very bright star. Independent witness called in at approximately 9.00 p.m., to observe and it was agreed that it was not an aircraft.” (DE-3B). (Green).Explanation: Star. (lufoin).77/79/05
. 2 January 1979 - 21:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An oval twinkling light in the sky. (DE-3B). Explanation: Star. (lufoin).77/79/14
. 1 February 1979 - 20:32 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An unusual aerial object was observed for over 2 hours. (PE-3B).(Green). (lufoin).77/79/15
. 2 February 1979 - 21:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An unusual object in the sky was observed for over 2 Hours. (PE-3B). (Guthrie). (lufoin).77/79/28.
June 1979 - 23:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A round, bright white light was observed in the sky. Witness stated: “We were walking into town to catch the bus and noticed a bright white light above us to the front in the sky. The light was motionless for a few seconds then moved rapidly to our left and slightly behind us. It then stayed motionless for a few seconds then moved slowly in a straight line upwards then moved right appearing like it was keeping pace with us. Then it stopped and moved over our heads at incredible speed stopping a long distance away. The light then again moved at incredible speed jumping from horizon to horizon and ended up again to our front. We then watched the light follow a similar pattern for the next few minutes. The light then moved away from us and appeared to go to the ground in the countryside over the other side of town. It was on the ground for about fifteen seconds then it rose up moving away from us before it just shot off and disappeared from view.” (IN-NL). (lufoin).77/79/58.
8 August 1979 - 21:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 3 bright lights in the sky were observed. Witness stated: “I was walking the dogs with a friend and noticed a bright light which we watched for a while - Then I left my friend to get my Wife then both followed the light to the fields at the top of the road. We then saw another light which was stationary at first then started to move behind the trees. Another light approximately a mile away rose from the ground while the first light went out of sight.” (IN-NL). (Markham). (lufoin).77/79/36
. 20 August 1979 -21:40 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An aerial light of an orange hue was reported. (IN-NL). (Prince). (lufoin).77/79/37
. 21 August 1979 - 21:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A brilliant white light that changed into red and green lights was observed in the sky by a male witness and his girlfriend. Witness (A) stated: “We were travelling towards Attleborough Green. The object was visible in the north-west as a white light about 4 times the size of a normal star. As we drove into Attleborough Road, it grew dimmer until it dimmed, changed to red and green and shot across us in a south-easterly direction at a very very high speed making no sound.” (IN-NL). (Talbot). (lufoin).77/79/58
. 3 September 1979 - 19:30 - Mancetter, Warwickshire, UK - A very bright light in the sky was observed by a married couple and two of their neighbours. Witness (A) stated: “On looking out of my bedroom window I saw a very bright white light in the sky over Nuneaton. It remained still for about 4 minutes, then it suddenly went out as though it had been switched off. It had no real form but reminded me of the star of Bethlehem as pictured on Christmas cards, but was larger than it’s width and osculating. There was very little cloud, but a long line of cloud from east to west at the same altitude as the object. There was no Sun, but the light was good.” (IN-NL). (Caswell). (lufoin).77/79/42
. 3 September 1979 - 19:50 - Atherstone, Warwickshire, UK - 2 brilliant white aerial lights were reported. (PE-1A). (Jeffrey). (lufoin).77/79/43
. 3 September 1979 - 20:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A silvery/orange aerial object. (IN-NL). (Azzopardi). (lufoin).77/79/44
. 3 September 1979 - 20:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A very bright light in the sky was reported by married couple. Witness (A) stated: “I was walking the dogs with my Wife in a field off Anstey Road when we saw a light in the sky below the clouds in a southerly direction. It travelled west to east and disappeared behind the trees. It was visible for 2 minutes.” (PE-1A). (Markham). (lufoin).77/79/45
. 3 September 1979 - 20:50 - Atherstone, Warwickshire, UK - 2 white lights in the sky were observed by over 30 witnesses at a football ground. Witness (A) stated: “The lights were brought to my attention by my son who pointed to the sky, together with the rest of the football team. The football team and spectators all watched the object for about 5 minutes, after which time it disappeared, with one light going out after another.” (IN-NL). (Freer). (lufoin).77/79/48
. 27 September 1979 - 22:20 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Multiple witnesses reported a red oval-shaped object over the area that hovered before moving off - Police involved. Witness (A) stated: “While sitting in my Friend’s home around 10.20 p.m., I suddenly saw over Elmfield Road, a red oval object in the sky. We watched it as it stood in one position for around ten seconds. It then seemed to turn to orange then moved slowly away to our left towards the Stockingford area, before going out of view. The object‘s height of about 1000 feet, remained the same throughout the sighting. I reported the sighting to the Police who said that one of their officers - (PC Kennedy) - had also seen the object and had recorded in the station log.”Witness (B) stated:
“Driving towards Birmingham from Nuneaton on the A47 road, a bright firework-like object appeared in the sky to my right and high up. The object gradually descended in a leaf-like motion for about 30 seconds before it went out and a canister-like object fell to the ground. The object seemed to be a red flare of some type.” (PE-8G). Possible flare. (Clarke). (Bartram). (lufoin).-1980 -
. 12 September 1980 - 20:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A married couple reported the observation of 3 separate sets of aerial lights which were acting strangely - falling motion - red/green - static light, no sound. Witness (A) stated: “My Wife noticed some stationary lights in the sky through the window. One light was constant with one close to it which was flashing. The light slowly moved down and left, and after it had been still for several minutes, another two lights appeared to our right and moved left and down just the same. It was a very slow movement. A few minutes after this, similar lights appeared higher in the sky and moved slowly down and slightly to the left and disappeared behind a tree on the skyline in the same place as the other’s had done.” (IN-NL). (Thorneycroft). (lufoin).77/80/34
. 27 September 1980 - 19:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A bright white aerial light was observed. (PE-1A). (Reeves). (lufoin).77/80/36
. 15 November 1980 - 19:00 - Whitestone, Nuneaton, UK - A nocturnal globular light in the sky - yellow - “jerking up and down as if in trouble” - observed over the area for some minutes - approached the ground at one point - moved away showing a red flashing light - no sound. (UN-NL). (Howe).*See Item 4: Press Report Log - 1979 -1992. (lufoin).77/80/38.
26 November 1980 - 19:20 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A hovering aerial object at very low level - buzzing noise - T.V. interference. (UN-CE). (Expanded - Report By M. Brown/K. McClure). (lufoin).-1981-
. 1 April 1981 - 23:00 - Weddington, Warwickshire, UK - A bright white globular light in the sky was reported. - (IN-NL). (Whetstone). *See Item 5: Press Report Log - 1979 -1992. (lufoin).-1982 -
. 1982 - 19:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A white globular light in the sky that appeared to explode above the railway station area. (IN-NL). (Moore). (lufoin).- 2009 -
. 23 August 2009 - 21:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - “I saw a bright orange ball going across the sky it started off going really slow the sped up and disappeared. there was no sound and there was no wind so was very strange to how this was moving.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/09/71
. 23 August 2009 - 22:45 - Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK - A huge beam of light was observed. Witness stated: “Whilst watching a DVD on Sunday night and thought a torch was shining into the house, when I looked outside and huge beam of light was moving quickly left to right and upwards and downwards, like a searchlight, but then turned red and then went really bright almost blinding to the eye then kept re-appearing every couple of minutes!! There was no sound and surely was not a helicopter or plane or car with a search light - really would like an explanation.” (IN-NL). (uk-ufo).77/09/86
. 17 September 2009 - 21:30 - Whitestone, Maple Park, Warwickshire, UK - A circle of green balls of light was observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I saw a white spread of lights doing a circular rotation below cloud level. Coming closer and then further away and changing shape slightly now and again. 2 black ball - shaped objects in the sky drawing closer to each other and also changing shape to a funnel shape as they got closer they were in the air above us for all the time we remained at the site (only about half an hour) It was deadly quiet and not a sound in the area. No visible explanation for this as there are only a few houses backing onto the site. The pattern was quite repetitive and so we decided to make our way home. Quite amazing to watch.” (PE-8H). (beams).77/09/87
. 17 September 2009 - 22:30 - Whitestone, Maple Park, Warwickshire, UK - A circle of green balls of light was observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I had a text message from my next door neighbour to look outside as they had seen some strange lights in the sky. We looked outside and we saw a massive circular shape made up of green balls of light and the whole shape was spinning first to the right then disappearing then spinning back to the left and disappearing. We watched for about half an hour, then I looked out again about 1 hour later and it was still there.” (PE-8H). (beams).77/09/88.
18 September 2009 - 00:10 - Bulkington, Warwickshire, UK - 2 circles of misty lights were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “My Husband and I are both retired science teachers. We live in Bulkington, a semi-rural location in Warwickshire. On Thursday, September 17th., at about 12.10 a.m., (Friday September 18th.), I went up to bed and, as usual, I went to the window, drew back the curtain, and looked out over the drive, and the drives of three neighbours… one house to the right, and two to the left. There is a street light on the right hand boundary of the house to our right, and another to the far left of the bungalow furthest away on the left. This is quite a distance between the lights, so this stretch of the lane is quite dark. There are no lights at all on the other side of the road, the gate to the fields opposite is directly across the road from our house. From the gate to the left, trees bordering the field line the road, for about 100 yards. Briefly, my attention was drawn to what I initially thought was a gust of white smoke, high up, maybe 30 plus feet, ! By the trees to the right of the field gate and above the bungalow (diagonally to my right). My thoughts at that moment was that it might be a garden fire, but then dismissed the idea as ridiculous because of the time. I was about to turn away from the window and go to bed when the ‘oddity’ appeared, from the same high point in the trees. I can only describe what I saw in the simplest terms possible. A circle of white blobs/mist or smoke, about 20 feet in diameter in total. There was a distinct outer circle, and then an inner circle of these ‘blobs’ all quite regular in shape, and individually distinct. I have to use the word ‘blobs’, because there was no suggestion of substance or solidity about them, and yet they were not amorphous. From my window, they appeared flat, and two dimensional. The entire circle moved sedately across the sky.”(PE-8H). (Beams). (lufoin).77/09/89
. 18 September 2009 - 00:10 - Bulkington, UK - A circle of white ‘blobs’. (DE-8H). Explanation: Nightclub spotlights on low cloud. (ufoinfo). 77/51/09/96. 15 October 2009 - 04:00 - A5 Between Nuneaton and Hinckley, Warwickshire/Leicestershire, UK - “Whilst driving south on the A5 at 4am today I looked at the sky and saw six large red circles / dots in a circle formation. Inside the red dots was a brilliant white / yellow light, which was bigger than the others and very bright - It remained in the sky for around ten seconds and then faded gradually until it disappeared completely.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/09/99. 25 October 2009 - 02:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire UK - 3 Orange Lights in straight line formation in the sky were observed by 2 Police officers and Hospital staff. Witness (A). stated: ,“We followed an ambulance to George Elliot hospital in Nuneaton. Myself and my colleague left our patrol car, and the ambulance driver got out. He then was looking up at the sky, so I looked to see what he could see. The was a pulsing orange orb travelling across the sky at some speed, we then noticed a second, and finally a third. They were all following exactly the same path, and were spaced the same apart in a line. The first one however was just going out of sight as the third one was entering our vision. That is how fast they were moving.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).
. 25 October 2009 - 01:35 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 2 pulsating orange lights were observed in the sky by male witness and 2 daughters. Witness (A) stated: “Whilst driving north along A444 towards the George Elliott hospital. My 2 daughters and I saw 2 pulsating orange lights about 10 degrees apart. As we drove on these diverged. We saw these for approx 90 seconds then went under a bridge. When we came out they had gone. This area is regularly flown over by aircraft from Birmingham and higher level flights, so we are used to aircraft lights at night. These were definitely not normal aircraft lights. I’ve never seen anything like this before. A PC has also reported seeing similar lights at this time.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/09/101
. 28 October 2009 - 20:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - “We saw 3 red lights in the sky moving diagonally in the sky.” (PE-5C).(uk-ufo).77/09/118
. 26 November 2009 - 05:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Two white circles of light were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I looked out of the window and saw two bright white circles in the sky, about the size of a Malteaser. These white discs had an orange glow underneath. They hovered in the same position for about two hours, after this, they rose and disappeared.” (IN-NL). (uk-ufo).77/09/126.
25 December 2009 - 21:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 7 round, orange glowing lights in the sky were observed by lone male witness. Witness stated: “I saw two, round orange glowing lights that traversed the sky in a south to north direction at the same height and kept the exact same distance between them with no height deviation. Travelling at a steady pace, they went out of visual range. A couple of minutes later a formation of 4 of the exact same type lights followed in the exact same direction, height, speed and heading in a straight line one behind the other, with the exact same distance between them. These four lights then began to change formation very smoothly with exact precision into a perfect diamond shape, with equal spacing between the four, and then also carried along the same track until out of sight. If this was not enough, to my amazement a final light followed, on the exact same trajectory, height and speed as the others. This final light however, seemed to be a little larger and the glowing orange aura around it larger than the previous six lights. My wife and both my children also witnessed this phenomena. I am also ex-military and have worked at and around airports for many years, and can categorically say that these lights were not aircraft.” (PE-5C). Possible Christmas Day Chinese Lanterns. (uk-ufo).- 2010 -
. 1 January 2010 - 00:10 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Orange balls of light were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I must just say that I and my wife have seen the same objects before. It was on New years Eve/New Years day and there were 4 of them again. I went upstairs to watch the fireworks going off over Nuneaton at 10:00 past Midnight and noticed one orange ball of light. It came closer to my house and then I noticed another one a bit further away. I called my wife and she went to look out the back of the house and she said there was one there too. We saw another one so we could see four all at once, we watched them for about 30 minutes. The one closest to my house was moving slowly across Nuneaton Common.” (PE-5C). (lufoin).77/10/13
. 23 January 2010 -21:15 - Chapel End, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 4 Glowing orange objects were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I was driving home down the hill in Salisbury drive at Chapel End when I looked up over the field which is called Nuneaton Common, it is situated between the rear of Lincoln Avenue and Skey Drive. There were four glowing orange objects moving in a straight line, equally spaced apart and travelling at the same speed across the field towards the housing estate on Skey Drive. As I arrived at home and got out of the car, the formation had changed and they were moving towards each other. I ran into home and grabbed my binoculars to get a closer look at them and went upstairs to look out of the front of the house and they had gone, all I could see was one orange light which was really high up and that slowly disappeared.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/10/28
. 21 May 2010 - 22:15 - Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK - 2 dark sphere-shaped aerial objects were observed. Witness stated: “I was sitting in bed watching TV when I noticed something orange in the sky. My bedroom faces north and the objects seem to come from the Bulkington area flying across Bedworth to the west. As I was looking out of the window a second one appeared flying at the same speed and height as the first and another came into view again same height and speed. But spaced evenly apart. They were moving very fast. I went out side to get a better view but could only see one, it was glowing orange and the edges looked very fuzzy and then suddenly the light went out and I could see a dark sphere shaped object .and then it disappeared in to the distance. All this happened about 10:15pm. The thing about all this that there was silence and could not hear any engine sound. I would have thought being so low and fast that if they were planes there would have been some sound from the engines. My partner witnessed all this too and she has never seen any thing like this.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/10/34
. 26 June 2010 - 23:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - At least 10 bright orange globular lights in the sky - 15 minutes duration. Witness (A) stated: “We saw a bright orange light quite large which was still very bright behind dark clouds. Then it started travelling upwards then going downwards. We then noticed another coming from lots of directions all travelling very fast. One travelled past a plane within seconds and was ten times large in size than the plane in the sky. We watched for over 15 minutes. My partner even went over the field next to our house to watch them. I have never seen anything like this before too fast for a plane, too large for a shooting star and too bright for a balloon or lantern.” (PE-5C). (ufoinfo). 77/10/35. 26 June 2010 - 23:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 2 orange glowing balls of light were observed in the sky. (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/10/36
. 27 June 2010 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 2 orange glowing lights in the sky were observed by married couple. (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/10/43
. 4 September 2010 -21:00 - St. Nicholas Park, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An orange glowing light in the sky - Shortly afterwards there were another two identical objects- followed first. (Croucher ). (PE-5C). (lufoin).77/10/47
. 18 September 2010 - 12:15 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A stationary aerial object - low - blue and green - appeared balloon-like. (PE-5E). Possible Advertising Blimp. (lufoin).77/10/48
. 25 September 2010 - 20:30 - Hill Top, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 7 orange glowing lights were observed in the sky. (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).77/10/49
. 27 September 2010 - 08:15 - Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An orange sphere in the sky was observed. Witness stated: “I was having a meal in the dining room with my husband when he noticed an orange sphere-shaped light travelling at great speed in the sky. We went out with the binoculars, but is was so far away we could not get a clearer image. We did not think it was a Chinese lantern as it was travelling at tremendous speed in a straight line. We went back inside then a few minutes later, two more followed. After a few minutes we saw two more.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo).- 2011 -
. 12 April 2011 - 04:23 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - a moving aerial object, roughly 4 times the size of a star was observed crossing the sky. (IN-NL ). (lufoin).77/11/40
. 3 August 2011 - Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK - Green and red lights were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “At about 11:30pm I was leaving work and noticed a few planes in the sky, clear as the weather had been nice all day and clouds had been kept at bay. One particular 'plane' seemed to catch my eye as its speed seemed to be much greater than the others I could see. I kept eye for 2-3 minutes and noticed that all the other planes were flashing red and white lights whereas this one I was looking at had continuous green and red coming from it - all of a sudden, its path seemed to waiver and its direction of flight change dramatically. I have no idea what this flying object was, but I don’t think it was a plane at all. I ended up losing sight of it within an instant, therefore couldn't investigate further.” (IN-NL). (uk-ufo).77/11/43
. 22 August 2011 - 16:47 - Whitestone, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A star-like object was observed in the sky, followed by a streak of light which left a contrail. (PE-1B). (uk-ufo). 77/11/44.
2 September 2011 - 00:30 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An unusual object in the sky was observed by two male witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “I was watching television with my brother, when out of the corner of his eye he noticed something and said what’s that? I looked round and could see what I thought was a spotlight. It kept disappearing behind some trees along the railway track behind our house where I got occasional glimpses. eventually it entered a clearing, just above a metal girder which ran vertical to the track and to the right side of our garden fence, it hovered their for a good 5 minutes. I would describe it as a very bright light, about the size of a star in the sky from where I was - it pulsated orange light on the side which were barely visible but I could see them blinking. before it started to dim and disappeared from view. their was no sound but that of a plane that had flew past during the event. had it been a helicopter, I’m sure a propeller noise would of been discernable - we have them fly past all the time and you can hear them from some distance. This "object" made no such noise and its flight path was too erratic to be that of a plane. My brother can testify to the whole event as he was with me throughout.” (IN-NL). (uk-ufo).- 2012 -
. 28 January 2012 - 20:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Red lights in a triangular formation were witnessed. Witness stated: “I was in my back garden on the Raywoods, Nuneaton, when I noticed these red lights in a triangle shape. They did not blink, but moved as if they were fixed in a triangle. They were coming from Croft Road direction, and moving towards Heathend road. There was no sound.” (PE-5C). (uk-ufo). 51/12/13.
. 9 September 2012 - 04:10 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A large, bright hovering light was observed in the sky - half hour duration. (DE-3A). (Johnson). (lufoin).- 2013 -
77/13/38. 23 September 2013 - Evening - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An orange light in the sky was observed. Witness stated: “I was walking my dog and out of the corner of my eye saw a bright orange light. I tried to record it but was very fast.” (IN-NL). (ufosightings)77/13/45.
14 October 2013 - 15:00 - Bulkington, Warwickshire, UK - A small dark object was observed crossing the sky. Witness stated: “Watched with my daughter as an small dark object travelled overhead in a Nuneaton to Coventry direction over Bulkington. It was about 100 feet in the air and moving at an estimated 80 mph. It did not veer left or right and appeared to morph & turn as it travelled, and looked as if it was being controlled - it looked like some sort of silent drone .” (Plumb). (IN-Med). (lufoin).- 2014 -
. 2 May, 2014 - 22.25 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A low and slow moving aerial object was observed by female witness and her two daughters. Witness (A) stated: “We were in Brookdale road, Nuneaton, 22.25 approx, when we saw a low slow moving object above the roof tops ... Red & white lights. I stopped the car & my 2 daughters jumped out - as they did, the under white light flashed like a strobe about 4 times - my girls describing the object as a bowl on top of a plate and a smaller bowl at the bottom underneath ( to me Classic UFO) the top bowl shape had red light the plate shape in the middle had white light and the bottom bowl shape green light. Flying slow - movement up and down then went over a roof top and disappeared from sight.” (Houlis). (IN-Med). (lufoin).77/14/21
. 16 August 2014 - 21:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A flare-like aerial object was observed by a male witness. Witness stated: "While sitting in the passenger seat of a moving car, looking slightly to my left, I saw a bright white steady light, about the brightness of a street lamp about a mile away. The light slowly zigzagged as it moved slowly downward, leaving a jet black trail of smoke directly above it which was also in a zigzag shape. The light itself remained steady, and the same brightness throughout, as I watched it for about a minute before it vanished behind rooftops. The light was too bright to have been an aircraft or Chinese lantern etc. and the only thing I can think of is a flare of some kind.” (PE-8G). (lufoin).77/15/18
. 16 June 2015 - 00:20 - A5, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A ‘pine cone - shaped’ aerial object was observed by 2 male witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “Driving back from work with my workmate as a passenger, we both saw what we at first thought was a shooting star - It was purple/pink in colour - we soon realised it wasn’t what we thought it was, as it suddenly stopped over a farmer’s field, about 300 feet away from us. At this point we pulled over to the side of the road,, and watched it from a privet hedge. This object moved in a zigzag movement as if it was looking for something - there was no sound - It was shaped like a pine cone. We could smell like a rotten egg smell in the air. This object eventually moved off in the direction of Fenny_Drayton.” (Shaw). (IN-Med). (lufoin).77/15/45
. 10 July 2015 - 15:45 - A5 Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A stationary bell - shaped aerial object was observed by a male witness. Witness stated: “I was cycling home from work along the A5 passing by Nuneaton, when I saw a big, bell - shaped object in the sky - it was very shiny and glistening - I can also remember hearing a buzzing noise like bees - It was just hanging there doing nothing.” (Dasilva). (IN-Med). (lufoin).77/15/61
. 28 July 2015 - 23:00 - Attleborough, Warwickshire, UK - A red aerial object was allegedly observed by a lone, male witness. Witness stated: “I saw a red object shaped like a shield flying in the sky near Nuneaton Football ground - it had purple smoke coming from the rear as it zigzagged across the sky.” (INV). (lufoin).77/15/67
. 3 August 2015 - 13:03 - Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Witness stated: “As I was walking my dog up top of Church Road when a object caught my eye - it was reflecting off the sun like a light and mirror. It looked to be a boomerang shape. It was fairly high up and appeared to be circling over Rebury estate. Then it just shot up into the sky, in a shot it was gone.” (IN-Med). (lufoin).77/15/71
. 9 August 2015 - 04:00 - Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK -An illuminated aerial craft was allegedly observed by a male witness. Witness stated: “I was awoken by bright light coming from over the fence that backs onto open wasteland (walk). To me, it looked like it hit the ground - anyhow I went to go back sleep, then ten minutes later, I heard a whirring sound and looked out my window and saw some kind of illuminated craft rising from the said wasteland. The light coming off it was blue, electric blue. It just rose into air and went out of view.” (INV). (lufoin).77/15/81
. 24 September 2015 - 02:49 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Several bright lights in the sky was observed by a male witness. Witness stated: “Coming back to Nuneaton through lanes from my nightshift, I saw a bright light following me in the distance, it was so bright and very intense in my mirror, at first I thought it was helicopter - I then pulled over onto the grass only to see some kind of craft with around thirty lights on it - these were very bright colours and they hurt my eyes. The object then flew over me at about 200 feet, making a funny pulsating noise as it went.” (Holland). (IN-NL). (lufoin).77/15/96
. 15 October 2015 - 05:00 - Weddington Turn, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 3 blue glowing aerial objects were allegedly observed by a young female witness. Witness stated: “I was feeding the horses and they became startled, in the horizon were three glowing blue objects like a discus form - as they got closer they emitted weird noise - they also appeared to be spinning.” (Kimberly).(INV). (lufoin).77/15/98
. 16 October 2015 - 21:00 - Hartshill Hayes, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A blue horseshoe- shaped aerial light was allegedly observed by a male witness while moored on canal. Witness stated: “Moored up on the narrow boat for night when a really brilliant blue light came over the area and seem to penetrate the barge, I thought it was police helicopter at first but being 50 ft in air you would identified it as a helicopter - this was a horseshoe in the air about 25ft long with electric lightning bolt (small) coming from the surface of it. Then seconds later it just disappeared - gone.” (Galvin). (INV). (lufoin).77/15/101
. 20 October 2015 - Morning - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - An unusally bright aerial object was allegedly observed by a female witness. Witness stated: “Coming from employment of work, driving along highway A5 close to Nuneaton, when I saw a blue rotunda - shaped object in sky. It was very light and hurt my vision. This object just sat there doing nothing, then it just sped off towards Camphill way.” (Redulywsk). (INV). (lufoin).77/15/105
. 20 October 2015 - 13:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Male witness allegedly observed a silver aerial object. Witness stated: “I was fishing on the pool casting out when from behind a grey cloud came a silver ship of some sort in the sky. I couldn't tell what shape it was apart from it was one part, with no external wings on it. I was in air cadets so know it wasn't any type of known Stealth aircraft I know of. (Swann). (INV). (lufoin).77/15/106
. 21 October 2015 - 11:32 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Male witness allegedly observed a crescent-shaped brass coloured aerial object. Witness stated: “I was walking my dog when I noticed a brass coloured crescent shaped object in the sky. It was just sitting there in the direction of Mount Judd. I think I could make out a purplish coloured light at the rear arc of it.” (McNiely). (INV). (lufoin). 77/15/150. 23 October 2015 - 20:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A spinning object with red lights was observed in the sky by a teenage female witness. Object was seen to hover, rise up into clouds and then lower itself again before finally disappearing. (lufoin). also (beams). (IFO-8H). Explanation: Laser Light Show.
77/15/107. 26 October 2015 - 20:34 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Male witness observed a red glowing aerial object. Witness stated: “While walking the dog, I was about 100 yards from the Cherry Tree pub, when I was amazing to see a glowing red orb in the sky. It was spinning and throwing off sparks. This object was about the size of a beach ball and approximately 20 feet high.” (Ankler). PE-5C). (lufoin).
77/15/108. 27 October 2015 - 21:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - Male witness allegedly observed an arc of very bright colours of blue light. Witness stated: “I Took my dog to the brook for its usual run opposite the new houses at the bottom of Camp Hill. I suddenly heard a funny fizzing sound. I looked around only to see blue very bright colours of light in a semi circle, pulsating brilliant then dulling - what ever it was it wanted to be seen - dog started growling this object which was only about 50 feet from ground. I then heard a robotic voice. I quickly ran away from the area - I think the voice sounded like Cyberman of Doctor Who.” (INV). (lufoin).
77/15/110. 31 October 2015 - 20:07 - Whittleford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A triangular object with red lights was observed in the sky by a married couple. Witness (A) stated: “We were watching fireworks in the back garden when we noticed a trio of red lights in a triangular formation - between the lights it was solid as the stars were blacked out - underneath there was a blue strobe light. This aircraft was silent and very low. I judged it to be only 200 feet in the air.” (Forknell). (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/112. 31 October 2015 - 21:40 - Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - 3 reddish lights in a triangular shape were observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I saw a big craft with 3 reddish lights in a triangular shape, with a blue hue in an arc shape underneath it.” (IN-Med). (lufoin).
51/15/114. 02 November 2015 - 21:00 - Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK - A triangular object was observed in the sky by 2 male witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “Coming out the snooker club in Station Road, both my Dad and myself saw a plane overhead in the shape of a triangle - there were 3 bright lights at the corners. It was silent and black.” (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/115. 03 November 2015 - 15:45 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A brass coloured aerial object was observed by a female witness. Witness stated: “Recuperating at home after an operation, I looked out the patio door to note a brass coloured bell shape UFO in the sky, slowly passing over at an approximate height of 250 feet.” (Wright). (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/121. 05 November 2015 - 11:45 - Bedworth, Warwickshire, UK - A gold church bell - shaped object was observed in the sky. Witness stated: “I Just saw a giant gold church bell shape flying through the air.” (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/123. 05 November 2015 - 14:35 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A triangular - shaped aerial object was observed by 2 witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “My son and I saw a triangle flying across the sky heading over the George Elliot hospital - it was weaving about in the sky up and down, starting then stopping as if it was struggling to fly. Pink smoke was coming out of the object which was only 100 feet in the air and approximately 30 feet long.” (Farmer). (INV). (lufoin).
77/15/131. 11 November 2015 - 12:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A black triangular object in the sky was observed by 2 male witnesses - low and slow moving - observation from inside a motor vehicle. (Kerr). (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/133. 11 November 2015 - 17:38 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A crescent - shaped object was observed in the sky by several male witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “My friends and I were on the A5 after coming back from France for couple of days, when one of my friends spotted a crescent - shaped aerial phenomenon in the sky. It had four blue lights on it and looked like a brushed copper colour. All three of us then saw it.” (Patel). (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/136. 12 November 2015 - 12:00 - Bermuda park, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A bat - shaped aerial object was observed by a female witness. Witness stated: “I was putting some rubbish in the skip and saw a black bat - shaped aeroplane moving in the sky. It looked as big as a camper van, was silent and seemed to be circling in the sky. A rotting eggs smell was in the vicinity.” (Barnes). (IN-Med). (lufoin).
77/15/142. 17 November 2015 - 14:10 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A female witness with her daughter observed three gold objects in the sky. Witness stated: “Turning onto Arbury Road, Nuneaton, to turn left heading to town way, when we both noticed three very shiny gold objects in the sky over the farmer’s land, they were stationary. They seemed to be like an acorn shape. I could make out two figures in one of the craft before they moved away towards Arbury Hall.” (INV). (lufoin).
- 2016 -
. - 2 January 2016 - 21:00 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A strange aerial object was observed from inside a moving vehicle, by 2 male witnesses. Witness (A) stated: “I was driving from my lockup/workshop, and turning onto Slingsby Close, on the Attleborough fields Estate, when my associate and myself noticed a brilliant light in the sky. It was lowering to about a hundred feet, at which point the van engine stalled (I conclude being a electrical engineer). It looked like one of these coloured light toys for kids - a multitude of colours, it was spinning anti clockwise. There appeared to be sparks flying off the craft. We both estimate it was 25-35 feet in diameter.” (Brans). (IN-Med). (Lufoin).77/16/02
. - 2 January 2016 - 23:52 - Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK - A white disc - shaped aerial object was observed from inside a moving vehicle, by a male witness. Witness stated: “Passing the Nuneaton Football ground by car and heading towards Hinckley, I saw a very white disc hovering over the little industry estate. It appeared to be about 40 feet in diameter. It made the hairs on my neck stand up, and I felt a tingling on my face.” (Ooga) (IN-Med). (Lufoin).Nuneaton and suburbs - End.
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