Making a UFO sighting report..
If you have seen what you believe to have been an Unidentified Flying Object,
or what you consider to be an associated event of the UFO phenomenon, and you wish to report it to LUFOIN,
E-mail your sighting to: lufoin@gmail.com
Please provide the date, time and location of the event, and a full statement of exactly what you saw, also possibly a drawing or photograph of the object. Remember to also include details of yourself, any other witnesses, and why you think that what you saw was not a normal aircraft or event.
A valid contact telephone number is also extremely helpful - (for office use only)*
On receipt of your E-Mail, A specific link to our on-line report form will be also be provided
by our office should we require more details.
*Please note that the editor(s) reserve the right not to publish certain reports if they contain offensive or misleading content.
What happens to received reports?
Case files involving genuine sightings, are stored indefinitely on our database, thereby acting
as permanent research material, and thereafter, forming part
of the Global knowledge gathered so far over the years
regarding the behaviour and appearance
of Unidentified Flying Object phenomena seen by thousands of people
over the various regions of our planet.
Your assistance is of great
scientific and historic value, and is sincerely appreciated - Thank you.
With permission, extracted details are eventually
published on the internet
via the LUFOIN Register,
(including associated social media - i.e. Facebook)
*All provided personal witness details (including contact telephone numbers),
remain at all times confidential within the LUFOIN files, and will never be
published anywhere, being used only by Investigation officers
during a particular case study.