Report Review


Sighting Report Data - Investigation Report


August 18th., 1978, Syston, Leicestershire.

Report Below By W. A. Hayes, from an investigation by J. Barden.

Geo. B2-C.

At 12.45 a.m., on the 18th. August, 1978, an 18 year-old resident of Syston was sitting in her flat, with another girl, when their attention was drawn to some moving bright white lights in the night sky to the South-west. The two girls were both amazed and a little frightened by the strange sight, however, they opened a window to obtain a better view. The lights appeared to resemble white fluorescent strip lighting, arranged in two horizontal rows on a dark grey object. The object itself, which was at a 45 degree elevation, was seen to frequently change its position by alternately moving and hovering in a seemingly random fashion over open countryside between Thurmaston and Leicester. The object then began to move towards Syston, roughly in the direction of the witnesss vantage point. Its speed was less than that of a conventional aircraft. It was a calm, dry night and the stars were dimly visible through the scattered cloud, and the two girls had a good view of the object for virtually the whole duration of the sighting. Apprehensive at the slow, silent approach of the craft, the witnesses were now able to discern more detail. The two parallel rows of strip lighting were on the outer edges of the dull grey exterior of the saucer-shaped craft. Between the two rows of lights was an evenly spaced black panels or windows. On the upper half of the object various projections could be seen. A row of dull, circular coloured lights were visible on the lower portion of the object, and a single bright white light was observed on the extreme right hand side of the UFO, at a level with the black panels. Regarding the size of the object, the witnesses said that it seemed to be two inches at arms length. The entire craft was apparently surrounded by an orange glow.

  LEFT: Investigators Drawing of the Syston UFO, based on witness descriptions.

The object travelled sedately across the sky, at a level with the cloud base, periodically shooting out small dim beams of light before it. At one point the unknown craft went behind a cloud, obscuring the view and dimming the lights, and after approximately ten seconds, emerged once more, lights blazing. Now over Syston and continuing its soundless trajectory, the object travelled across a car park and parts of a housing estate and an industrial estate, crossing a disused railway bridge over the High Street, and on towards the main A46 road. The UFO was again lost to view for a few seconds as it moved behind a house. When it re-appeared, it hovered for a few seconds before emitting a glowing beam of orange light towards the ground. As the object finally descended behind houses again, it made a strange vibrating or humming noise, then gave off a bright flash of orange light, then, it was finally gone. After a few more seconds, the night air above the point where the UFO was last seen, was filled with an orange glow. The glow faded, and everything returned to normal.
