Current Time:
Mar 27th 2016



Previous Coventry reports have been published in the LUFOIN Register (Reference No's 77 etc.)


NEW SIGHTING REPORT - May 13 2014 - 22:00 - Tile Hill, Coventry.

2 orange globes were observed flying quickly above the area.

Witness stated: "Last night, at just after 10.00 pm, we saw 2 orange balls of light flying quickly and silently from the north moving south - One was behind the other and they kept the same distance. They seemed to glow and flicker almost as if they were on fire, but they didn't go out - We watched them for about 3 minutes before they disappeared from view."

One Comment:


Other recent Coventry reports; Sightings (reported to uk ufo)


July 01 2013  - A bright light was observed crossing the sky by female witness - Click on link for details of this and additional sightings recently made by this witness, together with various comments from others concerning these events. This witness has also recently been in contact with Coventry UFO Watch regarding her sightings.






SIGHTING REPORT: July 11th., 2013

Witness: Mr. Carl Hudson.


Location: Coventry, UK

Date of sighting: July 11 2013

Time: 21:25 Hours


Witness stated:


"Looking out of my bedroom window, in a north-easterly direction, I noticed two objects in the sky, travelling in the same upwards direction, but one slightly ahead of the other, and one slightly higher than the other, but both at similar speeds.

There were no flashing beacon lights that would normally be associated with civilian or military aircraft, also, there appeared to be no sound associated with them.


The objects themselves appeared to be glowing, but also leaving a glowing trail behind them. They were visible for approximately 45 seconds, then disappeared. (Not out of view, they were just no longer visible in the sky)."


Please see the two attached photographs below for details.









SIGHTING REPORT: August 23rd., 2013

Witness: Mr. Paul Smith.

Reported: August 27th., 2013.


Location: Tesco's Arena, Coventry, UK

Date of sighting: August 23 2013

Time: 06:25 Hours


Witness stated:


 "I saw a grey silver oblong shape in the sky - observed for about two minutes - it seemed to be in the clouds but definately had density - it was not a cloud - nor was it the air balloon from Leeke's store nearby - Did anyone else witness this?"




SIGHTING REPORT October 5th., 2013

Witness: R. Donaldson.

Reported: October 6th., 2013


Location: Binley, Coventry, UK

Date of sighting: October 5 2013

Time: 18:30 Hours


Witness stated:


"I witnessed two large objects in the sky over the Binley, Coventry area - it looked like several birds were getting close to them as well - it was about 6.30 pm when I saw them - did anybody else see them?"




SIGHTING REPORT October 27th., 2013


Witness: S. Tomlinson.

Reported: October 27 2013

 Time: 18:00 Approx.


Witness stated:


"There was a solid blue light with 3 white lights all flashing seperately in different sequences over towards Coventry before moving off towards Radford - It stayed still for several minutes."




 SIGHTING REPORT November 20th., 2013

Time: 17:30.

Exhall, Coventry.

Witness: Linda.

Reported: November 20 2013


Witness stated:


"About 5.30 p.m., I saw a very bright ball of light over Coventry. It did not move for 4 minutes, then completely disappeared. Did anyone else see it?"


1 Comment has been made by Steve regarding this report - see comments page





19 January 2014. 21:15 - Longford, Coventry.

Reported: 19-1-14.


A boomerang-shaped object was observed in the sky by a male witness :


Witness stated:


 "Last night I saw what I believe to have been a UFO. It was shaped like a boomerang, with an orange orb shape in the middle of the bottom part. There were white lights on either side and at the top - at both ends of the boomerang were lights which alternated between black and white."  *


* See comments from uk ufo concerning this sighting



April 2014. 21:00 - Bellgreen, Coventry.

2 orange aerial objects were observed.

Witness stated:

"In September, 2013, I was coming back from the shop at around 9 p.m. when I saw a large, orange ball of light in the sky - it was static. I watched it for about five minutes. My son said that it had been reported elsewhere as a meteor. Last week I saw two orange globes in the sky moving slowly and silently over the same area at around the same time - Did anyone else witness these objects?

1 comment has been made concerning this report - see comments page




DID ANYONE ELSE WITNESS ANY OF THE  ABOVE EVENTS? - Please let us know if you either witnessed either of the described events, or have information that may help identify what any of the discussed objects may have been....



 FULL LIST Up until November 2014


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