LUFOINPress Report Comments
Published by The
Leicestershire UFO Research Society (Est. 1971)Edited by Graham Hall & Jeff Lord
LUFOIN Case ref: 51/14/27.
Original Article Published in
Witness stated: “There was this brilliant, clear blue sky, when I happened to look up and notice two peculiar objects with vapour trails. They were close together and looked like they were falling straight down. When I looked away and looked back, they were gone. I thought it was strange. About 30 minutes later, I looked again and saw four of them, so I grabbed my camera. They seemed quite close together, and it looked like two of them almost collided as they crossed paths. I thought they can’t possibly be aircraft because of the speed and trajectory.”
Above: The four strange contrails in the afternoon sky above Kibworth, as photographed by main witness - © Green, 2014.
Two Comments:
One - Published in Leicester Mercury Letters Column - 18 December 2014Correspondent stated: “My three-year-old grand-daughter, Polly, looked up and saw four aeroplanes and their vapour trails. I quickly got my mobile took this photo in the Western Park area of the city. I think they were almost certainly military aircraft.” (Response: Positive). (Cartwright).
Below: The four strange contrails in the afternoon sky above the Western Park area of Leicester. © Cartwright, 2014.
Two - Published in Leicester Mercury Letters Column - 22 December 2014Correspondent stated: “Further to your article about UFOs seen above Kibworth (December 15th.) - I also saw the vapour trails from where I live in Wigston. I looked at them through my binoculars, and could see that they were four military fighter jets at high altitude travelling roughly east to west. Although very high up, I could make out the delta wing, so I would say they were probably
RAF Typhoons.” (Response: Positive). (Smith).______________________________________________________________
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